Share your love for education and help provide opportunities to Butte Public School students and teachers to achieve their full potential.


Make Checks Payable to:  BEF  •  P O Box 3821  •  Butte, MT  59702

Venmo: @Butteeducationfoundation or scan the QR code below


The Butte Education Foundation, founded in June of 2006, exists to enhance the education of students and teachers in the Mining City and Silver Bow County.  BEF has been able to grant, through the BEF Teachers Grant Program, thousands of dollars to teachers to improve the classroom experience.  These grants enable our teachers to provide innovative opportunities to our students.

Please help us enrich education in our schools through the consistent community investment of time, talent, and funding.  Invest in students, staff and our community with unparalleled educational opportunities and experiences.


  • Gold Partner ($1,000 or higher)

  • Silver Partner ($750 - $999)

  • Copper Partner ($500 - $749)

  • Quartz Partner ($250 - $499 )

  • Crystal Partner ($100 - $249)

  • Friends of the Foundation (any donation under $100 and in kind donations)

Please contact Susanne Dauenhauer @ (406) 498-3471 regarding gifts of securities or other assets.